This Weekend: Stigler Fall Festival & Car Show Near Lake Eufaula Ok
The Fall Festival & Car Show will take place at the Stigler Health & Wellness Center in Stigler, Oklahoma near Lake Eufaula. The center is located at 1505 East Main Street, Stigler, Oklahoma.
Car Show Entries
The yearly commemoration will comprise of antique cars, hot rods, classics, muscle cars, street rods, motorcycles, and custom automobiles. Nearly 200 cars are planned to be on presentation for the domestic fun event.
Celebrate the Fun!
Celebrations during the public gathering will include Lego sprinting for the children, pony journeys, crafts booths, family competitions, live entertaining, and food merchants. Enjoy the parade of cars and scheduled street dance.
Event date: October 27th
Location: Stigler Health & Wellness Center
Admission: Free
Hours: 9 am to 4 pm
For More Info: Please call 918-967-8681